
Thank you for making an appointment and making a commitment to your health. To ensure that our visit is as useful as possible, it is very helpful to have you prepare before your first appointment.

During our first office visit we will spend 60-90 minutes together discussing your current health concerns, your medical history as well as your dietary and lifestyle habits. Together we will create a recommendation plan specific to your needs. It is my goal that we will work together to help you restore your health and vitality.

These forms include a questionnaire, diet diary and consent forms. Please complete all forms. You can fill out the diet diary for any three days in a row between now and your appointment.

If you need to cancel your appointment, please call at least 24 hours in advance. Barring emergencies, there will be a charge for missed appointments not canceled in advance.

Payment is expected at the time of your visit. I accept cash, check, venmo or credit card.

I look forward to working with you.

In health

Brenna Hatami ND, RN